Hello, My name is Noah. I was born on 21/12/12 at 7:17am. During Birth my Weight was 3.6Kg, Length 54cm and my head size 36cm. The name Noah is a Biblical baby name and its meaning is : Comfort; long-lived; repose.
A short summary of Noah from Bilble:
The Bible says that the time of Noah was a wicked time. God saw the evil thoughts of man’s heart were steering him away from God. The times were so evil that God said He would destroy man from the earth. But then God thought about Noah. Because Noah Loved God and sought to obey Him, God knew that Noah could be used to preach repentance to the people and to build an ark (a large ship) to save those who would trust God. In Genesis 6:8 the Bible says that Noah found grace in the sight of God.
According to the biblical account, all the world's nations are descended from Noah's three sons
Noah Aklilu Daniel